
This website uses cookies that remember your preferences and make navigating Diesel Engines Online easier. These cookies allow us to analyze visitor behavior and improve our website. Additionally, third parties like Google Analytics also place cookies to collect data for improving the Diesel Engines Online website. Below you can read more about what cookies are and which cookies we use. This website uses cookies that remember your preferences and make navigating Diesel Engines Online easier. These cookies allow us to analyze visitor behavior and improve our website. Additionally, third parties like Google Analytics also place cookies to collect data for improving the Diesel Engines Online website. Below you can read more about what cookies are and which cookies we use.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files. These small text files remember your browsing behavior and are stored on your computer. You can find the cookies in the temporary internet files folder. Your browser checks if these files exist when you visit a website and, if so, what your settings are.
Cookies provide Diesel Engines Online with insights into how you use our website. This helps us improve our site and ensure you see more relevant information. We also use cookies for marketing purposes.

We may use the cookies we collect for the following purposes:

  • Analytical purposes: To analyze and improve the use of the Diesel Engines Online website.
  • Social media purposes: To share information that is relevant to you via various social media channels.
  • Promotional purposes: To provide offers outside of the Diesel Engines Online website ( that are relevant. These offers align with Diesel Engines Online services and are personalized based on your behavior on our website, such as the pages you've viewed.

When cookies are disabled, the experience and functionality of the Diesel Engines Online website may be affected.

Which cookies does use?

At Diesel Engines Online, we use the following cookies:

Necessary/functional cookies

NamePlaced byExpires afterPurpose
jugoo_gdpr_noticedieselenginesonline.com6 monthsStores whether thecookie notice has been displayed.
jugoo_gdpr_functionaldieselenginesonline.com6 monthsStores whether you accept functional cookies.
jugoo_gdpr_performancedieselenginesonline.com6 monthsStores whether you accept performance/analytical cookies.
jugoo_gdpr_marketingdieselenginesonline.com6 monthsStores whether you accept marketing cookies.
ci_sessiondieselenginesonline.comSession endTracks user statuses across page visits.
hide_notificationdieselenginesonline.com6 hoursEnsures the notification is not visible after being dismissed.
PHPSESSIDdieselenginesonline.comSession endTracks user statuses during the current session.

Analytical cookies

NamePlaced byExpires afterPurpose
_gaGoogle Analytics2 yearsRegisters a unique ID to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.
_gidGoogle Analytics24 hoursRegisters a unique ID to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.
_gatGoogle Analytics1 minuteUsed by Google Analytics to throttle request rates.
_hjiddieselenginesonline.com1 yearImproves user-friendliness of our website and identifies site errors.
_hjRecordingEnableddieselenginesonline.comSession endUsed to track visitor navigation for site optimization.
_hjIncludedInSampledieselenginesonline.comSession endDetermines if user navigation should be recorded for statistical purposes.
_hjRecordingLastActivitydieselenginesonline.comSession endUpdates when a visitor registration starts and data is sent via WebSocket (the visitor performs an action recorded by Hotjar).
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgressdieselenginesonline.com30 minutesDetects the first page view session of a user.
_hjFirstSeendieselenginesonline.comSession endIdentifies a user's first session.

Marketing cookies/tracking Cookies

NamePlaced byExpires afterPurpose
_fbpFacebook3 monthsStores user data and tracks the user across different websites.
_fbcFacebook2 yearsStores the last visit after clicking on an advertisement.
frFacebook3 monthsUsed by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time bids from third-party advertisers.
NIDGoogle Analytics6 monthsRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.
ads/ga-audiencesGoogle AnalyticsSession endUsed by Google Ads to re-engage visitors likely to convert based on online behavior across websites.
collectGoogle AnalyticsSession endUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks visitors across devices and marketing channels.

Deleting and refusing cookies

You can delete cookies that have already been placed via your browser settings. You can also refuse the placement of new cookies here. The method for doing this varies by browser. If necessary, you can consult the help function of your browser. Disabling cookies affects the specific computer and browser on which you do this.

Changes to the statement

Diesel Engines Online reserves the right to make changes to this statement. We recommend that you regularly review this statement so that you are always aware of its contents. This statement was last updated on 15-11-2024.

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